Friday, 13 May 2011

A Walk in the Park

Lately I have been thinking about what constitutes a great city.  What are the things that promote diversity, acceptance, and newness?  More and more I am realizing the importance of public space and expression, of sharing your energy with thousands of other people simply by virtue of enjoying a day in the park.  Each Sunday below Mount Royal there is a gathering attended by thousands called Tam Tams.  People gather to listen to, and create, the innate and tribal sound of a beating drum.  They play guitar, dance, do partner yoga, sing and thrive off of the energy of others until the sun goes down.  This gathering is attended by hippies, fashionistas, the old, the is a perfect expression of creativity that begs all to join and excludes none.  I believe that it is from moments like these that newness spawns, as culture, diversity, and free expression of personal style works to open space in the grid of tradition.
Today I wore boyfriend jeans, menswear loafers and a black tank, and enjoyed reading my favorite poet e.e cummings, however I must say that it was the community, rather than one distinct fashion, that most inspired me today.

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